fredag 25 september 2009

Vad delfinerna gjort i veckan!

This week we had our drop in fika. We baked a lot of cookies and sold them to our parents. Kirans favourite cake was the chocolate cornflake one! We also sold lotterytickets and that was Tilde and Elins idea. Luckily they got some help to make them from Victor and Max Å. We also continued with making our frames and dolphins and they are soooo nice! And we took a group photo with all the kids in PAL.
Some of the girls have played a lot of secret dressup games aswell!

Hälsar Jasmin och Kiran (Johanna är sekreterare)

tisdag 22 september 2009

En kluring till hela familjen!


Du hittar en nybakad chokladkaka på köksbänken. Kakan är 8 cm hög och 26 cm i diameter. Kakan står på är 15 cm högt fat. Hela kakan är glaserad med choklad. Du börjar med att ta 1/16 av kakan. Biten smakar så gott så du äter lite till, och till slut har du ätit 2/3 av kakan. Vad har du då?

Skriv din gissning som ett inlägg! Svar kommer på bloggen imorgon...

You find a freshly baked chocolate cake on the kitchen table. The cake is 8 cm high and 26 cm in diameter. The cake is standing on a 15 cm high cake stand. The whole cake is glazed with chocolate. You start by eating 1/16 of the cake. It tastes so good so you eat some more and in the end you've eaten 2/3 of the cake. What do you have then?

Write your guess as a reply. The answer will come on the blog tomorrow...